North Yuba Forest
Notice of Availability of DEIS for North Yuba Landscape Resilience Project
Draft Environmental Impact Statement webpage: North Yuba Landscape Resilience Project
Notice of Intent: North Yuba Landscape Resilience Project
North Yuba Landscape Resilience Project Process: Purpose and Need & Proposed Action
Follow this link to the “Scoping” folder for access to:
-- News releases for Project Scoping process
-- Purpose and Need and Proposed Action documents
-- Notice of Intent in Federal Register
-- Proposed Action Appendices for HRV Analysis, Management Requirements, Proposed Plan
Amendments, and North Yuba Project Maps
North Yuba Landscape Resilience Project Scoping Letter
Presentation Slides for the North Yuba Landscape Resilience Project Public Meeting 1 (9/22/21)
Presentation Slides for the North Yuba Landscape Resilience Project Public Meeting 2 (9/30/21)
Tahoe National Forest seeks public input on North Yuba Landscape Resilience Project draft environmental impact statement (November 18, 2022)
Protecting the North Yuba landscape with thousands of forest acres thinned and restored in California (November 18, 2022)
Companies investing in forest protection to secure water supplies (September 2, 2021)
Request for Proposal: NEPA/ CEQA Services (February 24, 2021)
Request for Proposal: Archaeological Sensitivity Model (February 24, 2021)
Press Release: North Yuba Forest Partnership Receives $1.13 million for Forest Health (November 18, 2020)
Press Release: Interactive Story Map Details Forest Restoration Workin the North Yuba River Watershed (July 14, 2020)
SYRCL, Nisenan join multi-agency effort to restore North Yuba River watershed (November 26, 2019)
The North Yuba River Forest Partnership was forged in wildfire – a groundbreaking union of governmental and non-governmental entities (November 15, 2019)
Our View: This new partnership of groups could mean that something is actually done about forest health (November 9, 2019)
Unprecedented effort to combat risk of catastrophic wildfire announced (November 7, 2019)
Press Release: Innovative partnership to reduce wildfire risk and secure healthier, more resilient forests throughout the North Yuba River watershed (November 7, 2019)