North Yuba Forest
Several projects related to the North Yuba Forest Partnership have either begun or been approved. This page offers details related to these projects and will be updated as the projects progress.
The Yuba II Project
The Yuba II Project seeks to reduce the risk of a catastrophic wildfire to both forests and nearby communities in the Yuba River watershed through a new approach to forest and watershed management. The proposed treatments will protect 48,000 acres of public and private forestland in Yuba and Sierra Counties.
The Yuba II Project responds to the urgent need to mitigate historic fire suppression and climate change impacts by bringing overly dense forests back to a resilient state and encouraging a more natural fire return interval.
To learn more, visit here.
The Yuba Project
The Yuba Project is a 14,545 acre project in Sierra County that encompasses National Forest system lands. The Yuba project is a collaborative project between the National Forest Foundation, the Tahoe National Forest, the Yuba Water Agency, and Blue Forest Conservation. The National Forest Foundation has taken lead on implementing projects on approximately 5,690 of these acres.
Treatments are proposed to enhance watershed health through improving forest health and resilience to changing climatic conditions, reducing surface and ladder fuels to a level that would allow safe fire suppression, and improving wildlife habitat.
Explore the interactive map below outlining the goals of The Yuba Project and the forest health treatments through fuels reduction, meadow & aspen restoration, underburning & prescribed fire and biomass utilization.